Mysterious alien parasites descend upon Earth, burrowing into human brains and taking control of their bodies. As humanity fights for survival, a unique situation arises: Jung Su-in is partially infected by a parasite that fails to take over her brain. Now, they must forge an uneasy coexistence.
Meanwhile, Seol Gang-woo relentlessly hunts parasites, driven by the disappearance of his younger sister. Fueled by vengeance, Choi Joon-Kyung leads a parasite task force, “The Grey.” Having lost her husband to a parasite, her sole purpose is their eradication.
Jeon So-Nee as Jung Su-in: A resourceful young woman who forms an uneasy alliance with a parasite that didn’t take over her mind.
Koo Gyo-Hwan as Seol Gang-woo: A determined man consumed by the search for his missing sister, who he believes was taken by a parasite.
Lee Jung-Hyun as Choi Joon-Kyung: A hardened leader of the anti-parasite task force “The Grey,” driven by vengeance after losing her husband to a parasite.
The series has garnered significant attention, being helmed by director Yeon Sang-ho, known for his acclaimed works in the horror genre.
Parasyte: The Grey now streaming on HiTV