Flex X Cop, also known as Chaebol X Detective, is a highly anticipated Korean drama. The story revolves around Jin Yi-Soo (played by Ahn Bo-Hyun), a third-generation chaebol who unexpectedly becomes a detective in the violent crimes unit.
Despite his immature personality and love for luxury, Yi-Soo possesses brilliant intelligence and cunning skills. He uses his wealth and connections, along with unconventional methods, to track down and apprehend criminals.
Jin Yi-Soo (played by Ahn Bo-hyun): The flamboyant and playful chaebol detective who uses his wealth and wit to solve crimes.
Lee Gang-Hyun (played by Park Ji-hyun): The serious and dedicated veteran detective who clashes with Yi-Soo but ultimately becomes his partner.
Yoo Jun Young (played by Kwak Shi Yang): Yi-Soo’s childhood friend and loyal confidante who works as a hacker.
Choi Kyung Jin (played by Kim Shin Bi): A skilled forensic scientist with a quirky personality.
Flex X Cop now streaming on HiTV