The plot revolves around Lee Jun-young, a young man from a humble upbringing who is propelled into the world of wealth and power following his father’s tragic death. He realizes that he is the illegitimate son of a chaebol chairman, and thus the rightful heir to a vast fortune and a powerful family business.
However, his trip to claim his wealth is far from straightforward. He meets intense opposition from the chairman’s legitimate sons and their manipulative mother, who will stop at nothing to prevent him from taking his due post.
Han Tae-oh (played by Lee Jae Wook): A smart individual plagued by his father’s criminal background. Han Tae-oh devises a strategy to climb the social ladder alongside his friend.
Kang In-ha (played by Lee Jun Young): An illegitimate child raised in poverty who seeks recognition from his affluent father.
Na Hye-won (played by Hong Su Zu): A determined and independent woman navigating family secrets and business intrigue. Her character promises to be intense and emotionally charged.
The Impossible Heir now Streaming on HiTV